Monday 10 November 2014



My favourite female rapper  would have to be Lil' Kim without doubt the best female rapper in the game she's an amazing feminist reversing the roles when it comes to male and female sexual views. Kim changed the rap game by making men the bitches she talks about how she is the queen of the rap game and sexually exploits men in the bedroom department rapping about her sex life openly, to me Lil' Kim is amazing as she is able to turn the tables around. Kim's fashion is iconic designers such as Chanel and Versace actually based  collections on her, her looks and lyrics are iconic and her influence has helped create my ideas behind the fashion and some of scenes in which i will producing as part of my video.

Kim's fashion influence and attitude will be used within my video project, many of looks that I will be using are based around her music, style and  back ground story.

at the Chanel party 

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